
ReaFlon supplies O-rings in several of the following standards:

WRAS (Water Regulations Advisory Scheme) aims to prevent waste, overconsumption, misuse, mismeasurement or contamination of water through the development and enforcement of national and international standards. Non-metallic materials and components such as solvents and pipe lubricants are tested for their impact on water quality. This type of approval shows that the materials and components do not contaminate the water.

WRC is a quality mark that approves a product for use in drinking water up to 85 ° C.

The United States Pharmacopeia (USP) is a scientific nonprofit organization that establishes nationally recognized public quality standards for medications, dietary supplements, and foods.

The UL mark indicates compliance with US requirements.

NSF is also a food safety mark. It sets quality standards for medicines and other foods

Kiwa is an independent international organization that offers high-quality certifications. Kiwa supports these certification activities with inspection, inspection, testing, technological knowledge, research, training and data services. Kiwa is a market leader in (drinking) water, gas and construction, industry, business services and healthcare and security. The Kiwa watermark can be used by certificate holders before and on products that come into contact with drinking water and meet all the requirements of the relevant Kiwa Assessment Guidelines (BRLs).

BAM is a quality mark for seals. The reactivity of a packing material with oxygen at high pressure and elevated temperature is evaluated. If the appearance, mass and autogenous ignition temperature of the material do not change, it is considered resistant to aging

The KTW guidelines (Germany) describe testing procedures and health standards for plastics that come into contact with drinking water. It reflects the current state of scientific and technical knowledge regarding the hygiene requirements to be met by organic materials that come into contact with water intended for human consumption (drinking water).

The Food and Drug Administration, or FDA for short, is the agency of the United States federal government that controls the quality of food and drugs in the broadest sense.

EN 681-1:
The European Construction Products Regulation (CPR) 305/2011/EC requires that these seals comply with the harmonized European standard EN 681-1

This is very important for manufacturers of high-quality water and heating equipment to get a good and reliable idea of ​​the expected life of the O-rings in their products. DVGW has developed an additional test W534 to predict the expected life of O-rings (compression set (rubber storage) tests are carried out on real O-rings up to 5000 hours at 110 ° C in water !!! Not on test plates 24 or 70 hours at 70°C (Sulfer Cured Epdm) in air)

The W270 quality mark means that product components that come into contact with drinking water have been tested and approved by German laboratories (TZW and DVGW) in accordance with the recommendations of the UBA (Federal Environment Agency).

EFSA assesses the risks to the food chain and carries out a scientific assessment of all issues that could affect food safety in Europe.

The DVGW is the largest gas and water industry certification body in Europe and covers all certification procedures in the gas and water sector. The main purpose of all certifications is to ensure the safety of the environment. These activities are based on the DVGW standards as well as other national and international codes of conduct, standards and certification programs. With a DVGW certificate, product manufacturers, specialized companies, utility companies and experts can prove to their customers and market partners that their activities correspond to the state of the art.

ACS Certification (Attestation De Conformite Sanitaire) Material safety approval for products and components that come into contact with drinking water is achieved through ACS certification. The ACS Sanitary Compliance Certificate was introduced in 1998. The purpose of the regulation is to ensure that components that come into contact with drinking water do not cause organic deterioration, alter the organoleptic properties of water, promote the growth of microorganisms and the release of toxic substances in the water.

REACH is a European regulation that relates to the production, import and use of chemical substances as such or substances contained in preparations. The abbreviation stands for Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals. The essence of REACH is that a company must fundamentally be aware of the risks of all the substances it supplies and establish measures to control these risks. With the introduction of REACH, the responsibility for appropriate risk management of chemical substances shifts from government to the business community.
